Like some cat from Minneapolis...
The annual
89.3 THE CURRENT presents REBEL, REBEL - ROCK FOR PUSSY VIII A Tribute to David Bowie on Friday 10th June at First Avenue's Mainroom in Minneapolis, USA.
Proceeds benefit
Featuring John Eller, Ciaran Daly, Liám Pádraig Watkins, Chris Perricelli, Chris Pavlich, Reed Wilkerson, Jim Walsh, Venus DeMars, Sam Keenan, Lori Barbero, Laurie Lindeen, Matt Coffee, David Campbell, David J Russ, Janey Winterbauer, Christian Erickson, Orion Treon, Michelle Massey, Chris Koza, Dan Israel, Adam Levy and more
Location: 701 First Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55403-1327, USA.
Phone: 612-332-1775.
More details and information can be found by clicking on the CHANGESONEPUSSY poster above.