He looks me in the eye and he says he?s got his mind on a countdown 3-2-1...
Wow, this is a popular contest... I don't think I'll ever figure you lot out. So, on to part two. Firstly, if you didn't even know there was a part one yet, check out last Sunday's news. (10/12/03 NEWS: WIN NEVER GET OLD 2-TRACK PROMO CD SINGLE)
BowieNetter Thomass72 has come up with a nice Reality-related question for the second part of this contest. It may seem initially difficult, but I know the great majority of you will have no problem getting to the bottom of this one... so here goes:
There are two songs on the Reality album that both contain an almost identical sentence. This same line also appeared in a Jacques Brel song that David first covered to great effect over thirty years ago. What is that line?
Thanx for that Thomass72... good one.
Once you've figured it out kidz, send your answer to me at TotalBlamBlam@davidbowie.com with a subject line of: NGO Part 2... Usual rules apply, if you can't mail from your BowieNet account, you MUST supply your BowieNet user name, only one entry per member, etc.
Come back next Sunday the third and final part of this contest.