My life's amazing..
David has collaborated with the making of a new two hour TV biography, to be shown on The Biography Channel on A&E (USA) in November.
The programme covers the whole of his life up to and beyond the birth of Alexandria. The early teaser for the show describes the life we know and love, and has this to say about the David of today:-
Bowie continues to be on the leading edge of cultural revolutions: he's a board member of a fine arts magazine, the first musician to issue bonds, the originator of the first artist-created Internet service provider and an inspiration for fashion designers across the globe.
Highlights include interviews with his wife Iman and musicians Moby and Trent Reznor; footage of his appearance on BBC at age 17; rare family photos, film clips, and music videos from 1969 to the present.
Hopefully, we will be able to bring you more news of this show and certainly a reminder, nearer to the air dates which are:-
4th November at 9.00PM ET, and then again later that same night, which is 5th November at 1.00AM ET.