In a Guardian interview last week to promote his new self-produced album Move Me, Midge Ure discussed his influences and in particular, production techniques which have inspired him.
It soon becomes clear that Ure is inspired by production as much as anything in music - Bowie's 1977 album Low is a case in point. "When I first heard Sound and Vision, I remember having never heard anything quite like the drums - they sounded like they had been recorded on dodgy 1960s technology. Bowie had put this thing called a harmoniser on the drumkit, which nobody had ever done before, and tuned the drums into the harmoniser to make this funny snare sound. That mixed with Brian Eno's synthesisers - and Bowie's hundreds of telexes to the producer Tony Visconti saying how the album should be mixed - created this groundbreaking piece of music, in the year that the Sex Pistols were knocking down dinosaurs everywhere."
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