Bowie interview with incite, a riot!
The folk at incite recently posted up an interview with David that mostly centred around Omikron, as short as it is hilarious the piece also has a couple of exclusive pix that the likes of SusanS are still recovering from. I have posted a couple of the funnier moments below, click here to see the full thing...
incite: Do you think someday there will be virtual stars who exist only in cyberia?........
Bowie: Early in the process with Eidos we joked about leaving Bowie in the game and letting David Jones slip out the back door unnoticed.............
incite: ........Do you think its better for the artist to develop their own site rather than have a bunch of fan sites over which they have no control?
Bowie: Who says I have any control over my web site?! Honestly, the things they do in my name!.............
Total Blam Blam - (European Correspondent)